Nephron objet (AI Recycling machine)

Project Overview
Nephron objet is a device that, through artificial intelligence technology, analyzes and categorizes recyclable resources based on characteristics such as type, color, and shape. It determines the recyclability of items and selectively collects recyclable materials. The device primarily identifies reusable resources like transparent PET, aluminum cans, steel cans, milk cartons, etc. Users receive points that can be converted into cash when they deposit recyclables into the nephron objet. One of the notable features of nephron objet is its ability to be customized according to user preferences and spatial constraints. Users can choose not only the exterior color, silk printing, and screen design but also the types of recyclable materials they want to focus on.

AI Image Data
Recycling resources which are put into Nephron objet will be saved as images using a camera located at the top of the conveyor and will be utilized as a data source which enables AI to more accurately classify and sort them. With saved images, AI learns various recycling resources’ characteristics and it plays a role in accurately identifying the type, color, condition, and quality of resources through this. In addition, AI learning greatly contributes to improving the performance and efficiency for Nephron objet which is a robot collecting recycling resources.

Resource reformation process
The recyclable resources selectively collected through Nephron objets gather at the urban hub, the 'Warehouse.' PET is compressed into bales and transported to SuperBin's im_factory. SuperBin’s im_factory, where recycling resources are reformed as new materials, is a smart factory which adapts AI technology and an automated system and produces recycled materials called ‘r-PET Flakes’ recycled from PET bottles. Inputting the transparent PET bottles selected from only clean resources, we can achieve a high recycling rate, compared to the conventional recycling process. 

Design Features
Nephron objet seamlessly integrates with its surroundings, conveying the value of circulating resources as a harmonious piece of art. With its high level of craftsmanship, sophisticated design, and a blend of premium aesthetics, Nephron objet effortlessly blends into spaces like art galleries, department stores, hotel lobbies, enhancing the environment naturally. Nephron objet aims to accentuate the value of resource circulation, promising to transform the paradigm of recycling behavior.

Nephron objet (AI Recycling machine)

Project Made For

Nephron objet (AI Recycling machine)

Nephron objet is a device that, through artificial intelligence technology, analyzes and categorizes recyclable resources based on characteristic Read More
